Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hope for the best Prepare for the worst

Some of you might know I married a crazy person. Well crazy in the sense that he really does believe that 2012 is the end. I believe some history channel Nostradamus who-ha on repeat while he was out of work is to blame; or maybe I just never knew about his particular brand of crazy until 6 years into our relationship...Anyway part of his rationale for moving up to Beacon was that it would be easier to be prepared for the worst here. And now I am calling him on the crazy. I am taking him seriously and forcing us all to be prepared. There is a sustainable edge to this preparedness too- it sits right in line with my own feelings about being able to support ourselves.

So when a blogger I follow posted this it seemed like just the kick in the pants we needed. And it was something that the hubby could get behind as well. All that is going on in the world today makes me feel like I want to have enough in my home to help others, not be a hindrance if anything catastrophic were to happen here in the US. I am not a religious person in many ways but this post hit me in a weird way. It really did make me stop and think.

And so we prepare. We have much to do to even become slightly prepared- I don't even know that we have a full first aid kit anywhere in the house (we have bits and pieces of a few what can I say toddler boys go through lots of band aids) and I while I have no plans for building a full on panic room complete with a year's supply of grain, I do plan on creating a pantry that we can live out of in a worst case scenario. For us this means having actual storage for our bulk flour, sugar, rice (staples already being bought in bulk), canning and drying more staples (maybe less spicy tomato jelly and more dried apples) and saving up for an extra freezer (something that was a thought anyway). In addition getting the basics in survival together- batteries, flashlights, sleeping bags for everyone, a camp stove, a winter tent, matches and flint, water or some sort of filter bottles.

So "This week, for the Preparedness Challenge, I dug out a nice patch of grass in order to plant veggies."


InventingLiz said...

Hmm, can I reserve some space at your homestead in case of apocalypse? Then all I have to do to be prepared is keep a full tank of gas in the car...

regina said...

our apocalypse homestead will be a BYO and we will eat the guests first if we run out of food....