Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Its a Jungle out there

Its all tomatoes, except where it is squash...I probably should have pruned back the tomatoes or at least staked them better, but they are growing well and wild. There are tons of little flower shoots and a bunch of little green tomato starts on all the plants, and the squash has a few blossoms already. I resist the urge to pick the squash blossoms since I'm not sure if you harvest them you will get actual squash.

But I feel like the garden is on a timeline that does not match my own. According to our signed sealed and delivered home buying contracts our closing is around the second week of september. Which means that this garden has at least until october 1 to produce a harvest I can use.


InventingLiz said...

Congrats on the house!

Mary said...

Go, garden, go! Ours is swinging into high gear right now - have you been getting a lot of rain there, too? It really seemed to throw things into overdrive around here.

Keely said...

Our tomatoes are downright treelike these days, due to my stupid need to compost them with eggshells and coffee grounds. No one needs this many tomatoes. No one.

And just think- next spring...YOUR garden! Your forever garden!

regina said...

I still just have lots of flowers and little green tomatoes. i am ready for the glut...

you should can or freeze sauce and salsa. prevent scurvy this winter!