Tuesday, March 24, 2009

20 week sonogram

This morning we had our 20 week sonogram... That's the one where they can determine the sex of the baby and you get a really neat picture that actually looks like a child and not an alien.

I have a son already. I like boys. I don't really know what to do with girls. I am not really a girly girl, and of all the little kids in my class I'm not that fond of the whiny girls. I am convinced that the child in me is a girl though- the pregnancy has been very different that pregnancy number 1. but still I have been waiting to know for sure to buy anything....

SO why did I buy a dress for my unborn child last week? Because it was the first thing I saw that made me get excited about the fact that the fetus inside of me could be a girl- I was super excited about the first born (after the initial hysterical "oh crap" of peeing on the stick i mean) and I haven't been able to get that excited about this one. Sure it could be the insane morning sickness that only recently stopped, or the weird feeling of been there done it already, or it could be that I am freaked about actually caring for two kids at once I don't know. But whatever it was that was making me less than thrilled about baby #2 disappeared with the purchase of this white linen dress with red embroidered flowers along the neckline....

You should not purchase cute baby girl dresses before you know what is living in your belly though... we had the sonogram this morning and when the technician said " do you know what you are having yet? (how the hell would i know this without you dear technician have you seen me in your chair since the 12 week sonogram?) Do you want to know?" We said yes and tried to see through the gray amniotic fluid whatever would show us the sex. I didn't see anything but the technician said " oh it's a boy". With baby #1 there was a very clear penis, and with this one I didn't see it, but as my hubby said " all this woman does all day is stare at alien babies floating in uterus, I think we can take her word for it"

So I guess I have to take back the dress, and shed a little tear for all the missed out on tea parties and frilly tutu dress up days because apparently I am growing a tiny penis in my uterus once again.


InventingLiz said...

Well congrats, I guess...

I guess you really are the black sheep of the family - two boys in a row? Unheard of!

Mary said...

Well, there's always the chance that the next one will be a girl, right? :-) And look at it this way, now you can re-use Joe's clothes & stuff without getting weird looks from passersby...

Emily's son Owen had a tea set when he was a toddler--not a very frou-frou/girly tea set, but I remember him sitting around his table with his stuffed animals, chattering away, serving invisible tea. Maybe Joe & Impending Baby will find their own manly sort of tea party regimen.

Gwynne Watkins said...

I'm so excited for a new little boy! The best part is he's ALREADY so different from JP - and he's not even born!