Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pros and Cons

Yippee! I interviewed at a school and they had me come in yesterday to demo a lesson. Today (literally 10 minutes ago) the director of the school offered me a job. YAY for me!

Another school interviewed me over the phone this morning, and offered me a demo lesson for 2 weeks from now. The positions are the same hours (one is 9-12 the other is 12-3) and I believe the pay is the same. The first school (the offered job) is very well known and takes about 1/2 hour to get to. The director mentioned that she likes to hire from within for head teacher positions, and that they were adding more classes next year. So there will be opportunity for growth.
The other school is pretty new to the scene, has a great teaching philosophy (and a giant wall drum) and is insanely creative. The commute would be a little longer and I'm not sure about later opportunities.

Do I jump on the offered job? Do I ask for an earlier demo at the other school and see what happens? Do I decline nicely to the demo school (after just sending them an email telling them that the demo day was fine) but ask that they keep me in mind for the future?

1 comment:

InventingLiz said...

I would feel out the giant wall drum school - could you do an earlier demo? how many other people are applying and how soon do they plan to make a decision? - and then also talk to the demo school. What is it about the wall drum school that you like better than the demo school? Would there be a way to bring any of that to the demo school? How long can they wait for your decision? But honestly, if you feel good about the school that offered you the job, I say a bird in the hand is worth two giant wall drums.